So I along with many, many others attended the EGM on monday night. And Ive gotta say, what a night! Despite many being concerned that the vote wouldnt get the required 50% + 1 to get through, when I saw E.T, Gav Miller, Jonno Docking, Luke Douglas, Dave Faulkner and a sea of others wearing sharks polos in the foyer, I knew we were a shoe in. Paul Aiton and the 20s boys were enthusiastically handing out chairs. And when the one dissenter (Jack Stewart, life member and maker of long winded speeches) was met with audible groans there was no way this was ever going to fail. When the hands flew up in approval, it felt like a win. Some positive news for battling supporters. The wonderful positivity of a yes vote washed over everyone in the room.
The fact is, this arrangement with the consortium is the best deal for the club that is humanly and spiritually possible. Some feel we should be able to realise more money out of the asset, and a more risky strategy could realise bigger dollar values. But more risk, is just that, risk. We cant afford that right now. What we need is a well researched, solid, commercially viable plan that give us short and long term funds and ensures not only that we exist in longevity, but that we prosper. This plan categorically provides that. If you dont agree with it, I challenge you to seriously come up with a better and safer plan, budget it, and present it to me. You cant, can you? Didnt think so.
The board and the consortium partners should be applauded for their thorough efforts and they deserve the buzz they would have received when this was so summarily accepted. It is again a good time to be a Sharks fan.
The fact that the application has been accepted to be heard as a part 3a by state government ALREADY, and the fact that Woolies, Coles, Aldi and Dan Murphys are ready to sign on, is proof eternal that these guys that we jumped into bed with are the real deal. I hope they make alot of money out of this development. And of course, I hope we do too.
It felt like a post game celebration in the Sludge bar afterwards, but it was bigger than that. It was the first day of a new era. Be happy.
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