Saturday, July 3, 2010

A message to Blake Ferguson

Im typing this from my iphone so it's going to be short. A message to Blake Ferguson: Good riddance you ungrateful, split pea heart, over hyped *******. Thanks for nothing, you grub. You should play out the rest of the year in reggies and hand back any money above your base salary to help the sharks with their problems that so cruelly drove you away.


  1. so you love the sharks do you big boy? i heard a rumour that you were once offered a position on sharks junior rep staff and you declined. surely a true sharks supporter would jump at the chance.

  2. The guy is a complete fool. I regularly see him carrying on like a twat at the leagues club, blind drunk. I also had the opportunity to witness him urinating on cars in the 7-11 car park at Cronulla. He should be put put with the trash.

  3. I have never been offered a job by the club. I did apply for a job there once and didnt get it, but on reflection I dont know If I would take a position were it to be offered. Mixing work and play? I dunno.

  4. No mate. I was never offered a job at the Sharks. I have applied for positions before, but never been succesful.

    Read into that what you will.
